As a Picture Framing division, Monmin Glasteriors Gallery is now the assigned Art and Frame Consultant for major interior designers, offices and many home owners.
Our Artworks is often showcase in many showflats, magazines and we are committed to our mission of “Making Art And Frames Affordable”.
Our signature artworks has provoke a whole new trend in modern decoration. “Talking Art” as we call it – art pieces that is both personal and convey a statement and message to the viewer combines with contemporary frameworks created a gateway for art expressions.
The Creative Framing department, in addition punches and interesting concepts to the techniques of framing to combines with technical knowledge and creative flair to make challenging framing, POSSIBLE.
At Monmin Glasteriors, a divisional for its gallery, we believe that art is a form expression that has subtle yet impactful effect not only on the decoration of the house, but on the viewer. We invite you to visit us and experience our unique styles in decoration